
You Know You Should BUT!!!

If Not When?

Ever heard the old proverb, “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”? We all know that we should do regular exercise, but getting started is so hard!  Especially if it’s just you to get yourself motivated.  That’s normally where going to a gym or class is so useful because it’s a scheduled part of the day and other people are expecting you to attend.  Most people find it much harder to let someone else down than themselves. 

I haven’t heard all the excuses but I’ve heard quite a few:

  • I haven’t got the time, and by the time I get changed and figure out what video to do I’ll have run out of time.
    • That’s where our Zoom Workout is great – you don’t have to think about anything except getting changed and clicking the link – and you know it’s a 30-min workout – most people can find time for that!
  • I can’t be bothered.
    • Once you’ve booked the Zoom Workout you know we’re expecting you and you won’t want to let us down – it’s a bit like arranging to meet a friend for coffee – once that day and time is set you will bother yourself so your friend is not stood up!
  • I wouldn’t know what to do.
    • No room for self-doubt or lack of confidence – on our Zoom workouts the coach has worked it all out and will keep you right during the session. There’s room for all levels: beginners, improvers and more advanced.
  • I’m worried I might hurt myself.
    • The coach knows who’s on each Zoom Workout and tailors the session accordingly.  Also, the coach will know if you have weaknesses or limitations and advise variations to the exercise at the time.  You can talk to the coach during the workout so, if you’re finding anything difficult or painful you can tell the coach straight away and she will recommend the correct action.  There is also feedback time at the end, so you can air any concerns at that point too.
  • I don’t like exercising on my own.
    • That’s the beauty of the Zoom Workout – you’re physically “on your own” in your home, BUT, on the Zoom Workout you’re not on your own!  You’ll see everybody else there to work out and you’ll recognise the regulars and get a chance to chat.  You also have the coach there with you, encouraging you to keep going.
  • I don’t know how to do Zoom.
    • Zoom is really so easy – even for those technophobes out there!  We send you the link, and the action of clicking on it will install Zoom on your device if you haven’t used it before.  Give it a few minutes and then you’re in!  You don’t need any fancy cameras or microphones or speakers – just you and a device will do it.  We can even help you over the phone if you have technical difficulties.

Why wait till 12th April when you can start getting fit now?!

I know we all can’t wait till 12th April when we re-open but you don’t have to!  And some of our Zoom Workout participants aren’t local anyway so 12th April is irrelevant.

We’ve designed the FREE 3-day Fitness Challenge starting 15th March to get you motivated and fitter – now – or in advance of 12th! 

You’ll notice the benefits and be glad you started.  Getting back to the physical gym will just be an alternative to your usual workout!  Even when the gym is open again, we will continue the online Zoom workout sessions. 

We’ve got 3 different times of the day now, so there’s no excuse! 9:30 am, 1pm and 6.30pm.

The workout itself is a combination workout with all the ingredients required for complete fitness: Warm-Up, Strength Training, Cardio Training, Cool-Down and Stretch. All done in 30 minutes with 30-sec intervals so your muscles get the recovery time needed whilst keeping the cardio training going.  A bit like the workout at Ladies First Fitness but with body weight exercises in place of the hydraulic resistance machines.

Now you know you want to – Book Now!

It just takes a simple click to register and fill in your details.  Once you’ve registered, you’ll feel committed to do it, and we’ll keep you true to it.  SO, don’t procrastinate, spaces are limited, register now. We will send you an email with the Zoom link in it and you’ll be good to go!

Encouragement from those who’ve gone before

Yvonne: “I have now done 2 zoom fitness coaching classes and have thoroughly enjoyed them.  It is great to be able to have the coaching while doing it and is lovely to be able to see other members taking part and having a little chat as well.  They have both been very good workouts.  Thanks for doing this Fran and Paul.”

Karen: “I thoroughly enjoyed todays workout. It was taxing and I’m sure I will ache tomorrow. It flowed quite well, but would be nice if it was all stitched together. It was really good having Fran able to keep an eye on us to see that we were carrying out the moves correctly and encouraging us. I still haven’t quite got the positioning of my laptop right in relation to my workout area so that Fran can see all of me all the time, but I’ll get there. Thanks again Fran and Paul.

Judith: “Enjoyed the zoom meetings these past 2 days> It is so much better being able to see others and chat whilst working out under Frans’ tutorage.Would recommend to others to give it a go.”

Anne: “

Thanks Fran I’m just having a restful drink …..of water…. before I ask my legs to move

I enjoyed myself Thank you”
