
What should you Expect when you join a Gym?

We’re now through January and, according to some statistics, 4 percent of new gym goers will have already dropped out, with another 14 percent dropping out in February! In another survey, Gym volume surges by 30% to 50% in January, before plummeting in February, when 80% of new members clear out, by some estimates. 

This means that 80% of new gym members miss out on the biggest changes because these come along in months 3 and 4, after starting exercise. SO, you could say that, actually, the most important part of exercise, is staying motivated and sticking at it! 

Unfortunately, as consumers, we’re trained to think that fast results are possible because we’re promised it on infomercials, in ads for fitness studios (but not ours), and in magazines (but not this one).

So when we don’t reach these goals quickly, we not only waste time by following a program that didn’t work, but we also get frustrated and burnt out, causing us to potentially end up in worse shape than where we started – and not willing to try again!

Setting Realistic Expectations

By setting realistic expectations and working with a trained professional who can create a program designed to help you reach your goals, you can confidently work through a fitness program that will give you long-lasting results. 

Here’s what you should expect:

Month 1 – More Energy!

After the 1st month of an effective fitness program, it’s important not to focus too much on how much weight you’re losing, or how many reps you can do. You should start to feel more energy during the day, mostly due to the fact that your sleep is much improved, especially on the days you work out.

You should also feel a significant improvement in range of motion due to the fact you may be using muscles and joints not used previously.

Month 2 – less out of breath!

After 2 months you’ll start to realize that you’re less out of breath performing the same activities due to improved cardiovascular performance. The muscles in your arms and legs will start to feel tighter and stronger which is due to the increase in muscle mass and decrease in fat you are starting to experience. 

So, any weight you’ve lost will be fat, and not muscle, which is why strength training is such an important component of any exercise program. At this point you will have probably lost quite a few inches and start to notice it in the fit of your clothes.

Month 3 – blood pressure improved!

After 3 months, you’ll start to see more of a significant improvement in strength and endurance along with a noticeable improvement in resting heart rate, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and other health indicators.

For some, results are harder to see but be patient as changes are accumulating and may appear seemingly overnight in the coming weeks. It’s not uncommon for those on a program to feel little to no result in certain aspects of fitness at this stage, but it’s important to realize that fitness results are not perfectly linear.

For example, while a safe weight loss program may suggest you’ll lose one to two pounds per week, you may only lose one or two pounds in one month but then lose eight to 10 pounds the next month. This is why it’s important not to give up on a program if you have small setbacks. Big results may be right around the corner! 

Also be very encouraged at this stage – If you have maintained an exercise program for 3 months, from a habit point of view, this is considered to now be a permanent lifestyle change!

Month 4 – clothes start to feel different!

At the 4-month stage, clothes will start feeling differently. This is usually when you’ll start hearing friends and family commenting on how different you look, which will only motivate you to continue training.

Month 5 + – less weight to carry around!

Month 5 and beyond is a critical stage of the fitness program because individual results start to snowball into bigger, cumulative results.

For example, because you’ve built up muscle mass, your metabolism has now increased and made weight loss easier, which in turn, means you have less weight to carry around, putting less stress on your heart and lungs, causing you to be less out of breath.

This is just one example of how one aspect of fitness (muscle mass) can affect several other aspects of fitness and health.  It also means that you are much more likely to keep the weight off because your metabolism has increased.  You are turning into a fat burning machine!

As you pass the 6-month mark, it’s important to continue working hard even if you find your results start to slow. This is natural. As you get closer to your goal, you may need to get more strict with your exercise and nutrition routine. If you have reached your goal, you may also want to continue to maintain your results you worked so hard for.

In conclusion

Knowing the realistic expectations of your fitness journey is the first step towards being properly prepared to succeed. By having your expectations set on a realistic program that will give you results, you’ll be less likely to become frustrated and give up before you see the results of your labour.

Go get that summer body and Good Luck!

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