
Need to Drop a Dress Size Before Christmas?

dress size of a member being measured

Want to drop a dress size before Christmas? Going stir crazy with the impositions during this coronavirus situation? Obesity is a huge issue in the news at the moment with evidence showing that carrying extra weight makes it harder for the body to fight COVID-19.  Ladies First Fitness is very proud to be part of the drive to tackle weight loss and obesity across the UK.

Plus, we know many people’s routines were turned upside down by lockdown and lots of us have been feeling more worried or anxious than usual, all of which can have an impact on making healthy eating choices.

Now this is a great opportunity to focus on your healthy eating without other distractions or excuses?!  And everyone wants to look good for the Christmas party or seeing the family again.

What are the health benefits?

Losing just 5-10% of your body weight :

  • helps reduce blood pressure,       
  • helps to boost your immune system (guard against coronavirus)
  • lowers your risk of getting cancer,
  • helps you sleep better,
  • cuts the risk of Type 2 Diabetes,
  • boosts your sex drive and helps you look good!
  • drop a dress size

On average, women are around 10 – 11 stone. 10% of 11st is 15 lbs – that’s a stone to lose.  10% of 10st is 14 lbs – also about 1 st to lose.

What is your why?

Think about what that would be mean for you?

  • Lose half stone and wear those clothes in the wardrobe again!
  • Avoid going up to the next dress size and save money!
  • Get back to those activities without embarrassment, e.g. nights out at the pub, parties, gym, etc.
  • Boost your confidence and health.

How can I achieve dropping a dress size, and what about the restrictions?

So, now that the gyms are open again, but gathering in groups is restricted to a maximum of six, how can I do this?  A weekly weight-loss group is not classed as social gathering due to Ladies First Fitness being a commercial organisation, which operates fully in accordance with COVID-secure guidelines.

There’s nothing quite like the magic of real-life groups. Research during lockdown has shown that people miss the motivational power and accountability of meeting in person each week.

What you get with this Course!

Our Complete Diet and Nutrition Course contains 6 simple lessons and supporting material that will teach you all you need to know about nutrition and how to achieve weight loss… all with the support of expert coaches and a growing community of like-minded women where you can share knowledge and experience and successes to keep you motivated. It’s not just a list of what to eat and what not to eat, but science-based knowledge that gives you the tools and reasons to change your eating habits.

The questionnaires, food diaries and resources provided for each session are also available online so you can continue to peruse the material at home at your own pace and after the course is finished. Goals will be set at the beginning, and weight measured each week (with safe-practise sanitizing in between each measurement).

Book Now!

So, book now for the Ladies First Fitness 6-week Solution meeting on Thursday at 6.30pm, starting 22nd October.  You can even combine it with a workout beforehand and kill 2 birds with the one stone!

The course costs £65.

To take part, speak to a coach in the club or call us on 023292520025 and request the course (you might need to leave a message with your name and number).  Alternatively you can send an email. Hope to see you there!
