
The Importance of Getting Back to the Gym

gym stretch

Now, more than any other time, it’s really important to get back to the gym! We’ve recently made it even easier to find a workout time to suit you!  SO, if you’re not already back, we would encourage you to pick up that phone or contact us and book your first workout back!

Expanded Workout Times Now Available!

When we re-opened on 27th July our hours were 9-12 and 2.30 – 5.30.   So, in the morning, the last workout was 11.30am; in the evening, 5pm was the latest workout.

Due to increased demand we’ve now expanded the mid-day and evening slots.

You can now book a workout time slot in the morning from 9am with the last one at 12.30pm.  In the evening the last workout slot is now 6.30pm.
Almost back to ‘normal’!

Why it’s so important to get back to the Gym!

After a 5-month period of isolating and being indoors more during Lockdown, as well as being furloughed and less active, getting back to the gym is so important:  

  • To build immunity
  • To Increase fitness and avoid Diabetes and Obesity
  • To improve Mental Health
  • To increase social contact in a safe and healthy environment

It’s the best way to build your immune system

For the 5 months from April through July, we’ve been isolated and stuck indoors for the most part, which is not good for building immunity – and immunity is what we really need right now! 

Vitamin D plays a vital role in a healthy immune system and getting out there for sunshine and exercise and maintaining a healthy diet is the best way forward.  Getting back to the gym will increase endorphins, which will, in turn, encourage you to be more active. 

Fitness – Cardio & Strength – Avoid Diabetes and Obesity

Being unable to go to the gym makes it harder to incorporate strength training in your exercise routine, which, in turn, means that your body is likely to start losing muscle tissue.  Less muscle means lower metabolism and increased weight, which increases the risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity.  Both of these are major factors in vulnerability with regard to the Coronavirus. See article on “Importance of Strength Training”

 30 minutes of aerobic exercise will keep your heart fit and strong and get the blood pumping more efficiently round your body to benefit all the other cells as well.  As well as coming to the gym for aerobic and resistance training exercise you can do extra at home to keep you topped up!

Mental Health

Being starved of human contact affects our mental health and emotional eating is one of the side-effects of feeling stressed, anxious or depressed, or just lonely!  Getting back to the gym and meeting with other like-minded members helps to reduce stress and anxiety as well as the exercise you’ll participate in while you’re there – Two for the Price of One! See article on “Emotional Eating”.

Social Advantage

Being with other people and our helpful, motivating coaches makes it easier to think about the steps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. . .  and then take action!  When you walk into the gym and see everyone else exercising it is much easier to join in and get on with it than walk away.  Our booked workouts system makes it even harder to avoid your workouts – they’re all booked and we’re expecting you to turn up! Turning up means you get the results and we’ll all be celebrating with you on those as well – which makes it even easier to keep going! 

Lois’s Success Story – after 1 month at Ladies First Fitness

Lois joined LFF on 17th August and did her 3 workouts a week very faithfully. When we measured her again on 21st Sep, just 1 month later, she had lost 15 lbs (1st, 1 lb) and 12.25 inches! She is the winner of the “No. 1 Top Star” Certificate for Aug/Sep and we’re so proud of her! Lois said she knows what to eat and what not to eat but her biggest difficulty has always been exercise – she’s never enjoyed it! Lois has been enjoying her workouts at LFF and looks forward to coming. Other benefits Lois has noticed from doing the LFF Workout 3 times a week have been: sleeping better, more energy, feeling more positive, and happier in herself – good al round! Lois was over the moon with her results … but watch the video and let her tell you in her own words!
