
We are Proud of our Members Stories and Achievements

results at ladies first fitness

Cyndy Brown– 100 Workouts

Since I’ve been exercising regularly at Ladies First Fitness I now have all-round fitness; I’ve toned up; I feel more energised; I have improved flexibility; I feel more positive and motivated; and I’ve lost weight. 

Compared to other gyms, there is so much encouragement at Ladies First Fitness and help to reach your goals.  With their help you can get rid of the negative body image issues and get great results.  I love the happy atmosphere.

Denise Hemley – 600 Workouts

I’ve noticed, since doing the LFF Workout regularly, that I’ve toned up; I don’t get cramp when I exercise regularly; it helps with my back pain; I  have more energy; and I’ve lost weight.  I enjoy going to Ladies First Fitness – I like the fact that it’s for Ladies only and that there is always a coach on hand to keep an eye on us to make sure we are doing the exercise properly. The workout makes me feel good about myself and the coaches are very good, very friendly and helpful.

Elaine Horne – 500 Workouts

Doing the LFF Workout regularly ensures that I do exercise in a controlled environment.  I get a real sense of achievement when I’ve completed the workout; it helps to keep me supple – and it stops my husband moaning at me to do exercise!  Compared to other gyms the LFF Workout is a more complete workout; it’s structured and timed; it’s a good atmosphere and there are always encouraging staff to help give positive results.

Linda Kaye – 1200 Workouts

I enjoy the workouts at LFF Workout and I feel positive after each session. I like the fact that I know I’m doing something for myself. Compared to other gyms, there’s always a friendly atmosphere at LFF and you feel welcome when you go for a workout.  I appreciate knowing that ladies are the only ones there.

Sally Fitzgerald – 100 Workouts

Since I’ve been exercising regularly at Ladies First Fitness I now have more energy and I feel calmer.  It has helped me be calmer and less moody with menopause.  At LFF you feel welcome when you first walk in and the staff are very supportive and they make you feel great and positive.  Also, at LFF there are lovely ladies that come to exercise too.  I love coming here – it’s such a friendly atmosphere!  The staff understand  your feelings and always do their best to help!  That’s extra compared to other gyms!

Sandra Walker – 200 Workouts

Doing the LFF Workout regularly motivates me and gives me something to look forward to.  It gives me “ME” time and I feel uplifted afterwards.  I really appreciate the fact that there is no pressure and I don’t feel intimidated or silly and I love the support you get at Ladies First Fitness.

Sue Wright – 400 Workouts

Exercising regularly at Ladies First Fitness has really helped with my weight loss and fitness.  It makes you feel good and lifts your spirits.  The owners, Paul and Fran have other things going on as well, like zoom workouts and you always feel like they are working for you.  At LFF you are never working out alone – there is always a coach on hand and you are always made to feel welcome.  It’s such a good, happy atmosphere.

Jane Lawty – 100 Workouts

I feel energised after completing a workout at Ladies First Fitness.  As a gym it is very welcoming with a positive and friendly atmosphere. My general fitness has improved a lot and I can do more now without getting breathless.  All the staff at LFF are very supportive and give constant encouragement – and I appreciate that there’s free parking nearby!

Linda Kaye
Sally Fitzgerald
Sandra Walker
Sue Wright
Jane Lawty
