Stephanie has noticed so many positive benefits
Stephanie is amazing! Just achieved workouts! Stephanie has noticed so many positive benefits
from doing this workout regularly! “I am so much stronger now and my balance
has improved hugely! I can now do squats and glute lifts without holding on to anything.
I am also much more flexible. When I started I had to use a band to bend my leg up behind for the quad stretch – I can now bend it high without the band! When I started, my range on the equipment was minimal but I can now do the full range and faster.
I have a problem back and I took painkillers every day, but now my back is much stronger and I don’t need painkillers anymore! I can even garden for 3-6 hrs standing and digging where before I would have to sit down.“ Stephanie enjoys coming to Ladies First Fitness. She had tried another gym before and had 1 session with a trainer then was left week after week to workout with no supervision.
“I love LFF”, says Stephanie, “I’m always met with a ‘hello’ and I’m always encouraged with how I’m working out. I do enjoy it I feel as though I am smiling all the time. There’s always a ‘well done’ and a ‘goodbye’ when I leave.” Thank you LFF! xx
Terry – More Energy!
Terry achieved 400 workouts 🎖️ and has noticed: more energy🚀; greater stamina walking longer distances ; toned areas, especially arms and legs; and sleeps better and for longer! ⏱️ That’s a great raft of benefits! Terry likes Ladies First Fitness because, “friendly greetings and coaches know all our names! ; supportive coaches and other gym members ; and the sessions are are focused and can easily be fitted⏱️ into your day!” Time to give it a try?! Xx