
July 2024 Member Success Stories

Ange – “Regularly achieved 3 workouts a week, despite difficult circumstances – with great results!”

Ange is very special – in a good way. Her hubby, Howard, has dementia, and it was a real challenge in the beginning trying to figure out how she was going to get 3 workouts in – but you know – she does it! She comes in when she has a carer at home, and also, Howard comes in and has a little cup of tea here, and Ange does a workout.

So that’s why she’s special cos she has that little special thing going on so she can get 3 workouts in! Ange joined just before Christmas, so her first review was rather awkward because it was after Christmas, but, she still did really well!

“How many inches did you lose, Ange?” “I lost 6.25ins and 3 lbs”, responds Ange. “That’s brilliant, after Christmas, because a lot of people put on weight after Christmas.  And you lost the traditional amount of inches that we’d expect after doing 3 workouts a week for a month, so that’s absolutely brilliant!”

“Are you enjoying it?” Ange replies, “I am, yes”.  “What do you like about coming here?”

Ange says, “You guys are really friendly and I like the fact that while I’m going round the circuit you’re still keeping an eye on me, telling me when I’ve not quite got things right and how to improve – which is fabulous!” “We’re nags aren’t we?” “No!” protests Ange.  “It’s called coaching! Brilliant! We enjoy having you, Ange – and that haircut looks amazing!” Well done Ange – despite difficult circumstances, you regularly achieved 3 workouts a week!

Liz – “the friendliness, the people, the environment makes the biggest difference!”

Liz has been a member just over a month and has done really well!  “1st review, what did you lose?” “Just over 9 ins, 2 lbs in weight and 0.9% body fat.” “She did really well – higher than what we would normally expect in the 1st month for all of those – absolutely brilliant!”.

“Were you surprised about that?” “Very surprised, actually”, says Liz, “I didn’t’ think I was going to lose anything, so yeah!”. “Absolutely brilliant. And how are you getting on with the workout?” “Yes, really good, I really like it!”, responds Liz, “everyone’s so friendly and there’s always a member of staff around to make sure what you’re doing is right, which helps.”

When asked if she works hard, Liz agreed, “Yes!”. “Is it possible to come in here and slack and go really slow? Do you think the coaches would notice?” Liz replied, “yes they would definitely notice!” And after a month they give you repetitions, so she’s got numbers to beat! Then you can’t rest on your laurels, cos, in 3 months time,  we’ll try and beat those numbers again! Liz was asked,

“If you were to pick one thing that you really like about this workout, compared to other gyms, what would you say? What makes the biggest difference?”. Her reply was, “I just think it is the friendliness of it, the people and the environment, definitely, yes”. “Cos, some people say 30 minutes, the fact that it’s only 30 minutes.” Liz agreed, “yes, actually, that is quite good, cos sometimes you go to a gym and you’re there forever.” Well done Liz!

Joanne – 200 Workouts – “Helps to keep me firm and supple!”

Joanne hit 200 workouts and has noticed that working out regularly at LFF really keeps her motivated and helps to keep her supple. She has particularly noticed that her arthritis has improved and she has less aches and pains. Also she’s noticed that she has firmed up.

When asked what she appreciated most about the workout, Joanne said, “it’s a lovely friendly atmosphere, very helpful tuition and there’s always someone on hand to correct you on the machines.” Well done Joanne- keep going!

Inga – 500 Workouts – “Feel so good – inside & out!”

Inga has done 500 workouts- gets a liquid reward and also all the body benefits!

Inga’s long list of benefits is : much fitter, improved mobility and flexibility, improved running stamina, boosted mental health, clothes more comfortable after losing inches, receiving more comments on how good I look, feeling so good inside & out! At LFF, there is no pressure but plenty of encouragement & positive comments(staff & members), plenty of chances to challenge yourself and a friendly atmosphere with no judgment.

Chris – 100 Workouts! – “Allows me to exercise – even with breathing problems!”

Chris has done 100 workouts and has noticed that it helps her maintain a healthy weight and BMI. She always feels more energised when she’s finished and the 30-sec interval allows her to exercise even with breathing problems.

Chris likes the very warm & friendly staff at LFF and that there’s always a coach on hand!