January 2024 Success Stories


Maddie – Top 3 Star! “It’s only half an hour – I can get it done”

Maddie is doing really well – not only is she working, she’s exercising AND doing a Masters Degree.  At her last review she did ever so well – lost 9.75 ins, 10.6 lbs and 0.5% body fat – achieved Top Star No. 3 in Sep/Oct ranking! Maddie had a little bit of a lull while she was celebrating graduating.  She relaxed a little bit, but then determined,

“time to get with it”. “I’m really enjoying the workout”, agreed Maddie, and she is very, very regular with her workout and has a good habit going and exercising is part of her life now.   When asked what it was that she particularly liked about the workout that kept bringing her back time and time again, Maddie said:

“because it’s in the morning and it’s only half an hour, I can get it done, I can get it out the way, it’s not difficult to do, and I like the atmosphere in here.” We’re a lovely bunch of people here, Maddie is only 22, so she’s a youngie, but we have all age groups here. This workout fits in with everybody’s type of lifestyle and it’s really good.

Well done Maddie!

Lizzie – “I feel really good now – and I love this gym!”

 Lizzie had been a member for about a month and we just did her 1st review. Lizzie decided to do 5 circuits every workout, instead of 2, for more points in the challenge that we were doing at the time, and liked it so much, she decided to keep doing it. We were all waiting with bated breath to see what difference it would make to her results!

“I lost 10.5 ins and I can’t believe that!”, said Lizzie. (Average is 6ins). “I also lost just under 3 lbs in weight and 0.9% body fat (which is really high) – I just wasn’t expecting that in the first month, I really wasn’t! I have been comfort eating so I really needed to tone up”.

When asked how she felt about getting back to exercise, getting fit and toned, Lizzie replied:

“Yes, I feel really good now – I used to exercise years ago, but because my husband was so disabled and I became more and more his carer, I had to abandon my fitness at the gym.  Now, I can get back, and I love this gym – when you come in it’s so friendly – people aren’t looking at you critically – some gyms you go to you feel like you’re on a catwalk and there’s nothing like that here.

I love the way that all the equipment is arranged in a circle, so, if you’re exercising and you catch someone’s eye who’s opposite you, you just have a smile – it’s just really friendly. I’ve also found that I was getting to the stage where, if I’d been sat down for any length of time and I’d go to get up, it would be, ‘oh’, and then I’d have to adjust myself a bit before I started walking.  But now I’m finding that I can do what I used to do – just get up out the seat and walk off! I’ve also noticed that I used to get a little twinge in my knees, now and again, and sometimes in my ankle, but I don’t get any pain at all now! It’s all very positive! “

Great work Lizzie! Lizzie was also Top Star No. 4 for May/June.

Julie – “I love it”

“I love it!, I’m 61 and I decided I need to start motivating myself and get myself fit. I like it here, its very friendly, very friendly people and it’s just 30 minutes, such a quick workout, it’s brilliant!”

Julie lost 5.25 ins in her 1st month. Julie agreed that the workout is not difficult, and commented, “when you first come, its like remembering everything and it tells you to change every 30 secs, but then you soon sort it all out. And there’s always a coach about to help.” Julie is still making great progress. Well done Julie!

Steph – “Massive Difference to my Health and Wellbeing”

Steph joined just over a month ago got really good results at her 1st review. Steph lost 13.75ins, 5.8lbs and 2.6 % body fat. That’s a lot! Staggering, in fact! This is about double what we normally see and Steph’s reaction was:

I was really pleased, a bit shocked actually, I wasn’t expecting quite that much in the 1st month. I’m doing healthy eating at the same time and it’s really made a massive difference to my health and wellbeing! It’s really positive.”

When asked how she liked the workout, Steph responded:

“I do like the workout – my daughter is a trainee physio and she said, ‘you need to do strength-based exercises, Mum.’ A lot of women hit 50, hit the menopause, really feeling it, but really impacting on my joints as well, and this is all really improving – my balance has improved, my strength has improved, yes, it’s all positive!” 

When asked if she liked the environment at Ladies First Fitness, Steph said,

“It’s been really friendly, really welcoming, and, what I love most about it is – I don’t have to think about it! Because it’s circuit based, you just join the circuit, work it through, and that’s really good.”

Great stuff Steph.

After shooting this video, Steph was No. 2 Top Star in Sep/Oct Top Stars!

