Look after your heart!

Look after your heart – its the only one you’ve got!

Exercise helps circulation as it increases blood flow, gets the heart pumping blood around your body faster delivering oxygen and nutrients to all cells of your making everything stronger and healthier including hair and nails.

lady holding heart

Cardiovascular disease

Exercise helps prevent cardiovascular disease (heart attacks, stroke and blood vessel disease). At Ladies First Fitness the workout increases heart efficiency, manages weight which in turn reduces: high blood pressure; bad cholesterol in the blood; and blood sugar levels. These are all major causes of cardiovascular disease!

In addition, our workout increases oxygen in the blood, improves the muscles ability to draw oxygen from the circulating blood. That reduces the need for the heart – a muscular organ – to work harder to pump more blood to the muscles.


High Blood Pressure

Exercise works like a beta-blocker medication! As weight is reduced; blood pressure is reduced. Additionally, bad cholesterol is reduced minimising blocked arteries and thus reducing blood pressure. which in turn reduces the risk of heart attacks and stroke.

Give us a call on 023 92 520025 or message us NOW on facebook/ladiesfirstfitness

