Health Benefits of the Ladies First Fitness Workout

September 13, 2019 in Health

Looking at your general health your life. Are you struggling with any of these: lack of energy, stress or poor circulation? There are many health benefits of regular exercise and it will certainly help with these.

Increased Energy

health benefits

Regular exercise boosts energy levels and encourages you to be generally more active.

Reduce Stress

One of the major health benefits of exercise is stress reduction. Chronic or long term stress increases the levels of harmful hormones (cortisol), this in turn increases your appetite and cravings for unhealthy food, leading to weight gain especially around the middle, causing longer term issues like diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

health benefits stress reduction

Happy hormones (endorphins) help to eat up harmful hormones caused by stress and prevent them being deposited around the body in the form of fat.

Improve Circulation

Regular exercise helps circulation as it increases blood flow gets the heart pumping blood around your body faster delivering oxygen and nutrients to all the cells of your body making everything stronger and healthier including hair and nails.

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