
How are we Different from other Gyms in the area?

What makes the Ladies First Fitness gym different from all other gyms in the area locally?

1. A MORE Supportive Environment

At Ladies First Fitness you’ll find only women! No men grunting and groaning making you feel small or weak or checking out your figure in the mirror! Women feel less self-conscious and more comfortable exercising when it’s just women – all ages, shapes, sizes and fitness levels.  Not just the young, fit and already-trim gym bunnies either. We honestly do have women from 18 to 88+! Some wear make-up and the latest fitness gear, others don’t; a few are in shape and others are working on it; some are overweight and some have already reached their goal weight.  So,  wherever you are on the spectrum – you’ll fit right in!

We Believe in Community

At Ladies First Fitness, we believe in community. From what our members tell us, this is the favourite thing about this gym that women like! When you arrive our coaches greet you by name – we know who you are and what you like. 

We always have a coach on the circuit to encourage and motivate you and celebrate your progress. You’ll recognise some of the other members who will also greet you and make you feel welcome. There is great music playing the whole time, without TVs to distract you. 

we are a community of women not just a ladies gym. We are different from other gyms

When you come in for a workout – you can have it booked so we’re expecting you. Or, you can be more flexible if you need to be and just turn up.  There are no restrictions now, but if you have distancing preferences we will aim to oblige.

As a Gym We cater for women with Health Conditions

If you have physical restrictions, like arthritis, joint injury or a heart condition or diabetes, you might be nervous about exercising in a traditional gym without extra help or advice and ongoing support.  At Ladies First Fitness we provide all of that with your regular membership.  There’s always a knowledgeable coach available.  And our workout is much more adaptable for most conditions. We have members with arthritis, osteoporosis, joint replacements, heart conditions, COPD, Etc who have improved their strength, fitness and overall health without strain or injury.

2. You Get Results!

For women, it’s not all about weight and inches  . . . but it is part of it! At Ladies First Fitness, you don’t need to pay for a personal trainer to perform goal-setting and measure your results. We do it every month – as part of your regular membership!  If you know that this workout is working for you, you are more likely to stay motivated and continue. And, then get more results! You win – we win!

3. You get a Great Workout

It’s all very well having a great environment to work out in but if you don’t get a great workout then it’s null and void!


At Ladies First Fitness we get everything done effectively in 30 minutes. This is much faster than other gyms near you- here’s how …

We use hydraulic resistance equipment which works opposing muscles on the one machine. For example, on our arm machine you work the bicep muscle (front of the arm) on the way up then the tricep muscle (back of the arm) on the way down.  In traditional gyms you would have one machine that works the biceps then another that works the triceps. All good work, but it takes twice as long!

faster workout than other gyms

Our Workout combines cardio at the same time as you’re going round doing your strength-training, with 30-sec intervals on each. In other gyms you would do your Warm-up and Cardio on cardio equipment (treadmill, exercise bike, cross-trainer) then go and do all your strength-training work.  It’s more tedious and boring that way – and it takes twice as long!

To do everything properly in a traditional gym:

You would do 3-5 min warm-up, then 20min cardio, then 3 sets on each weight stacks machine.  To work all the major muscles that’s approx 12 machines with at least 5 mins on each – Total 1 hour.  Most gyms don’t have abs machines so you would probably do 10-15 mins abs on the mat, then 3-5 min cool down and 5 mins stretching.  Total? Approx 1 hr 45 mins. That’s assuming you don’t have to wait for any of the equipment and doesn’t include equipment adjustment time. Try fitting that in after work!

At Ladies First Fitness:

You jump straight on the circuit (no waiting) and start your 3-minute Warm-Up.  One of the advantages of hydraulic resistance equipment is that you can vary the speed to vary the resistance. So, you do the same action, but just S-L-O-W-L-Y. Then, you start doing your strength training and cardio by pushing faster on the equipment to increase resistance for 30 seconds. After this, you move to the next station, which will be a recovery station, for 30 seconds. Then, on to the next piece of equipment. 

Your heart rate is raised during the strength training set but doesn’t go down during the recovery. Cardio is therefore accomplished as you go round.  There is an audible cue that tells everyone when to move, so nobody can hog a machine, there’s no wasted waiting time, you don’t have to think about which machine to use next  – and you can’t skip the ones you don’t like!  It’s less mentally tiring so you’re less likely to abort the workout before you’ve done it all.  In fact, once you’re on the circuit you won’t want to stop until you’ve done it all, or more!

You do 2 circuits, finishing with a 3-min Cool Down then perform the stretches which take about 5 mins.  Total? 30 minutes! Now, you CAN fit THAT in after work!


In traditional gyms:

you have to know how to adjust the equipment to fit your body requirements. And you need to know what weight to select.  Get any of that wrong and you could be pulling a muscle or straining a ligament. Rather than improving your strength!

At Ladies First Fitness

Our hydraulic resistance equipment doesn’t need to be adjusted. The faster you push, the more resistance you get.  You can’t push faster than your muscle is capable of. When your muscle is stronger you can push faster to get more resistance.  Everyone can get started and everyone gets the resistance that they need without the risk of hurting anything.  You progress without having to adjust anything. The equipment will be the same as the last time you used it. So, your muscle memory can go to work without tiring out your brain.

More Effective

Fresh Muscle every time

That’s why, at Ladies First Fitness.

We have the 30-sec interval – once the muscle is exhausted you move to recovery then a completely different set of muscles.  We’ve arranged the circuit so that this is always the case. 

The science of muscle-building is that the muscle needs 90 secs of recovery before being ready to build muscle again. On our circuit you would perform 30 secs of recovery. Then, a different muscle set then 30 secs recovery again before you went back to that muscle again.  So, every ounce of strength training on our workout goes towards building protein and muscle tissue. 

As you’re working fresh muscle each time it’s less hard work. This means, you get that recovery time in between. Therefore, you’re ready to work hard when you get to that next machine so that 30 secs is more effective.

More effective than other gyms in the area
In traditional gyms

Once you’ve secured that machine you’ll be there until you’ve done your 3 sets! However, on average, muscle exhausts after 30 secs of resistance training, so after the 1st set, your resistance training is not effective in terms of building protein and muscle tissue.  

Double on every Muscle

In traditional gyms,

Because the muscle has exhausted after the first set, the 2nd and 3rd set are a waste of time at that precise moment.  But, because there are other people waiting for the machine you would do your 3 sets anyway. Due to the length of the workout you wouldn’t have time to go back round and use that machine. So, each muscle is effectively worked only once. 

On our workout

You do 2 circuits, so each muscle is worked at least twice, and effectively.  If you’ve got time you can also opt to do more!

Burn More Body Fat

In traditional gyms

You do Cardio work with aerobic activity on treadmills, bikes, etc. This is good cardio. However, he extra oxygen is used up by the cardiovascular system for extra breathing. Therefore, the body is less likely to elect to use stored body fat as a fuel to burn during the workout. 

On the LFF workout

We raise the heart rate through muscle work. It’s good cardio. You don’t use all the extra oxygen for breathing so the body will choose to burn body fat. Plus, you don’t get so hot and sweaty and out of breath! 

Also, you perform interval training as you go round the circuit. High intensity on the machine and low intensity during recovery. Similar to town driving compared to motorway driving – it burns more fuel!  It’s called HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and our workout is very efficient at burning body fat.

4. A Gym with Great Service

Ladies First Fitness is not part of some big corporate chain or franchise where profits matter more than people. We are a family run business. We’re all about people and have been helping the women of Gosport achieve healthier lives for the last 14 years.

Higher Retention Rate

Our retention rate is approx 20% more than traditional gyms. Our members don’t’ just stay a member for longer but stay working out regularly for longer. So many women join a traditional gym but give up after a couple of months.

A gym with a great service compared to other gyms

Thorough Induction and Permanent Coaching

Most traditional gyms

book your induction as one workout with a coach. They then show you how all the equipment works – then you’re on your own.  Next time you come in, you have to try and remember it all. So, you could do it incorrectly and may be not even be aware of the act. If you ask for help with more coaching or working out a program you have to pay more for a personal trainer.

At Ladies First Fitness

We have a comprehensive induction – 5 workouts with a coach – and more if you need it.  Our coaches don’t just explain how the equipment works. They check your technique, improve it, show you how to breathe. They explain which muscles you are working, show you how to warm up and cool down and stretch afterwards. After that, there is always a coach on the circuit to keep you right and keep you encouraged and motivated.

Online Options included with your membership

We have great online exercise programs that are included as part of your membership at no extra cost.  So, if you’re stuck at home you can still get your exercise done. Or, if you won’t to supplement your gym workout and do more at your own convenient you can do that.  We have Zoom workouts with a coach and other members. So, it’s more of a community feel, or there’s a video program where you follow along with a video.  Lots of variety and a combination of strength training and cardio.

No Long Contracts

We’ve always said that you never know what’s going to happen in life. So, we don’t think it’s fair to tie you into a contract for more than 4 months. We have flexible options for weeks, 10-visit cards, etc. But you can sign up for a year and get an extra discount!

Quality not quantity

Some gyms are 24 hrs but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll do more.  Our workout is only 30 minutes. This means that, our members manage to get their 3 workouts a week done without having to eat into their precious evening or weekend.  With the way we operate we have had very little demand for weekend or late evening workout times.


We have always had a comprehensive cleaning tick-list an impressive track record on this.  We do receive compliments from our members.  Since Covid, we have done even more to keep our premises clean and safe for our members.  We clean down our circuit every half hour, which is approximately how often the members stay on the circuit. There are a plentiful supply of sanitiser at strategic points all over the building.

In Conclusion

So, if you’re looking for a gym near you. A gym that will give you a workout that gives you results, service that keeps you motivated. A gym that is welcoming, friendly women-only environment, come on down and get your FREE Consultation by calling the number below or clicking the button:

What are you waiting for?

Call 023 92 520025 NOW
