Hydraulic Resistance Circuit

At Ladies First Fitness we do Strength Training through hydraulic (HR) resistance machines. These are especially designed for women and easy to use: no complicated settings.

HR enables a controlled push and pull working opposing muscles groups 2 muscles on one machine.

With HR machines there are no weight stacks to manage – no equipment adjustments necessary. The machines are self-adjustable – the harder you work the cylinder the more the resistance you get in return. This means our work out is as safe as exercising in water!

With weight stack (weights on a pulley) you get resistance in one direction only. No resistance on the way down so you get a jarring and bumping or lose your posture so there is more risk of injury + you could pick up a weight that’s too heavy!

Our machines work every muscle group efficiently and are specifically designed for women of all ages and abilities.

Benefits of Hydraulic Resistance

FAST – Controlled push and pull – working 2 muscles on each machine – joints strengthened evenly – tone symmetrically.

SAFE – Self-adjustable resistance – safe as exercising in water – suitable for all ages and fitness levels – suitable for all joint strengths – cannot over exert therefore less chance of injury.

SIMPLE – No set up necessary before you begin or while you workout – mentally less tiring.

Ladies First Fitness Hydraulic Machines

pec dec hydraulic resistance machine

Pec Dec

Double Positive

This hydraulic resistance machine works the chest and back, including pectoral, rhomboids, trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles.

shoulder press resistance machine

Shoulder Press/ Lat Pull

Double Positive

This hydraulic resistance machines works the shoulders, arms and back, including trapezius, deltoids and latissimus dorsi muscles.

squat hydraulic resistance


Single Positive

This hydraulic resistance machine works the hips and legs, including quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals and iliopsoas muscles.

Ab Back Resistance Machine


Double Positive

This hydraulic resistance machine works the torso, including the abdominals and erector spinae muscles.

bicep tricep hydraulic resistance machine


Double Positive

This hydraulic resistance machine works the upper arms, including the bicep and tricep muscles.

oblique hydraulic resistance machine


Single Positive

This hydraulic resistance machine works the core muscle of the torso, including the obliques

lateral lift hydraulic resistance machine

Lateral Lift

Single Positive

This hydraulic resistance machine works core muscles of the torso, including the obliques and the quadratus lumborum muscles.

leg press hydraulic resistance machine

Leg Press

Single Positive

This hydraulic resistance machine works the hips and upper legs, including quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals and iliopsoas muscles

hip abductor hydraulic resistance machine

Hip Abductor/Adductor

Double Positive

This hydraulic resistance machine works the inner and outer thighs, including tensor fascia latae and adductor muscles.

chest back hydraulic resistance machine

Chest Back

Double Positive

This machine works the chest and back, including the pectoral, rhomboids and latissimus dorsi muscles.

glute hydraulic resistance machine


Single Positive

This machine works the hips and legs, including quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals and iliopsoas muscles.

Leg Extension Hydraulic Machine

Leg Extension/ Leg Curl

Double Positive

This machine works the upper leg, including quadricep and hamstring muscles.


Get Started NOW!

Click the button or call 023 92 520025 to Book A FREE Fitness Consultation with one of our friendly Fitness Coaches
