Mindful Eating 10 Tips

mindful eating by girl eating cake

Mindful eating is a technique that helps you gain control over your eating habits. It has been shown to promote weight loss, reduce binge eating, and help you feel better on your journey to success.

In this we explains what mindful eating is, how it works, and what you need to do to get started.

Mindful eatingTip 1: Portion Size

Make sure your portion size is precise – measure it – don’t just eyeball it! 

Interesting fact: those who DON’T have a problem with their weight actually eat 20% less than they think they do!

Guess what! Those who are overweight underestimate their portion size by 30-40%!  Could there be a connection?!

Mindful eating Tip 2: Eating out of the Packet

Our second tip is: not to eat directly eat from the packet! It is so tempting to eat the whole bag. One bag is not one serving! 

Idea: For snacks measure out a portion and put into plastic bags so you can’t overeat.

Mindful eating -Tip 3: Distractions

In the US 91% of people tend to watch TV while eating their meals. The affect of this is that many people overeat because they are distracted. Similarly if you eat while driving or eating in the cinema it is easy to consume too many calories.

Mindful eating Tip 4: New Habits

Improve your habits!  Make new habits and better, healthier choices. For Example, rather than a chocolate bar, eat a piece of fruit. Often we eat snacks because we are bored. Say for example that at 10 o’clock every morning you have a habit of eating a Mars bar from the work dispensing machine.  A habit = reminder (trigger) , routine , reward.

Try changing the reward. What healthy choice could you make instead?

Tip 5: Large Packets

This is similar to tip 2: larger packets encourage you to overeat. Size therefore matters! 

In one test people were given 1/2 a bag of M&M’s. On average each person ate 71 candies.

The other people were given a whole bag and on average each person ate 137 candies. This meant that those that were given the large bag ate nearly 300 calories more!

If you are eating from a larger packet you are eating 20- 30% more than you realise!

If you serve food on a larger plate you will tend to eat more. Eating on a larger plate means you eat faster. If you eat your food slower you will digest your food better and feel full quicker.

Additionally, if you use smaller knives and forks then you will put smaller portions into your mouth and it will take longer to eat and your food will be better digested. Plus, your stomach takes a bit of time to realise that its full – so the slower you eat then you will probably feel full quicker and therefore not overeat!

Tip 6: Dine with other Dieters

If you dine with others who are restricting their calories like you then you are much more likely to achieve success.

Tip 7: Hide Food out of sight!

You are more likely to eat food that is visible! Out of sight out is out of mind.

In one experiment they put some ‘Snickers’ bars in a transparent dish and others in an opaque one. The result was that people were 71% more likely to eat the visible ones. 

Therefore, if you are serious about reducing calories go around your house and make food invisible. Keep it in cupboards and the fridge. Replace any candy with fruit.

Another temptation could be a tempting fast food restaurant on the way home from work. Pick another route!

Supermarkets use this technique to get you to buy food that you wouldn’t have bought unless you came into the shop. Have a shopping list and stick to it!

Tip 8: Fat FREE products

Unfortunately the labelling of many fat free products is deceptive giving the impression that they are a healthier choice. In fact, fat is not the only thing that will get you to gain weight. Often these fat free products have extra sugar to compensate for the lack of taste compared to the original. Additionally, if you look at the labels, the calories are pretty much the same for unsweetened as for sweetened.

Tip 9: Avoid Calorie Dense Foods

Avoid calorie dense foods.  eg doughnuts. Also, fruit juice sounds healthy but its packed full of sugar. Again, eating real whole fruit will make you feel fuller.

Additionally, be careful of eating dried fruit and nuts as they are calorie dense: ( lots of calories per gram)
A cup of dried apricots contains 300 calories; half a cup of peanuts is a whopping 400 calories!

Tip 10: Consume Filling Foods

Why not choose more filling foods which generally take longer to eat. Plenty of non-starchy vegetables are good.

Unhealthy calorie dense breakfast: 2 doughnuts – 65 grams of carbs, 6 grams of protein – 500 calories!

Healthy Breakfast: 2 slices of toast with a small slab of butter, 2 eggs, cup of mixed fruit and a yoghurt. – 500 calories



