How to Lose 28 Pounds in a Year!

This seems unlikely doesn’t it. Maybe impossible? However, no one goes to bed skinny and wakes up fat. Gaining weight is mostly over time. The simple principle is: if we are consuming more calories than we are burning  – we will gain weight and vice versa.

A Mars Bar a day – doesn’t keep the doctor away!

So, say you wanted to gain 2 stone (28 pounds) in a year. What would you do? One method, would be to get into the habit of eating a chocolate bar (270 calories on average) every day without fail. 

In a year over time, you would gain 27 pounds in weight!  

A rule of thumb for weight gain!

270 calories a day /10 = 27 pounds in a year!

  • A soft drink (140 calories) each day = 14 pounds in a year!
  • A doughnut or bagel (420 calories) each day – is a staggering 42 pounds a year!

Take Action

Can you see, that in a years time, if you are consuming a doughnut or maybe all of these every day, you could easily end up with a weight problem?

The first step, then, is to examine what you are eating each day. Are you consuming more than you are burning each day? And if you are, are you compounding the problem with the regular consumption of extra snacks or junk food?

So, cutting out that chocolate bar each day, could be the first small, but significant  step.

Exercise as an Option

Of course, the other solution you might try, is to burn more calories by going for a one mile walk every day (2000 steps)  – around 100 calories or 10 pounds a year. However, most people find it easier to give up something like a chocolate bar, rather than walk a mile a day.

Good Luck!

Lastly, for this to work, the experts tell us that it’s best to do this in a way that doesn’t make us feel deprived. In other words – give yourself a reward – not food! 

As the old saying goes: “an apple a day keeps the doctor away!” So maybe you might replace the chocolate bar with an apple instead? This would at least be a healthier option. (Bear in mind, even an apple contains natural sugar and is around 60 calories!)

