Combined Strength Training and Cardio in only 30 minutes!

Strength Training and Cardio combined.

Our machines are arranged in a circuit combining strength training and cardio.

Every 30 seconds the lady says: “change station now” you move on to the next machine working a different set of muscles.

1. Strength train on a machine for 30 seconds – raising your heart rate (cardio) = maximum efficiency as muscles exhaust after 30 seconds!

Recovery Board

2. Move to a Recovery Board for 30 seconds – with a small amount of movement, muscles recover whilst sustaining a raised heart rate.


FAST Combined cardio and strength training means complete workout in 30 minutes.
– No wasted waiting time as nobody can hog a machine
– You can’t skip machines!

SIMPLE  – Mentally more doable and achievable.
– Can’t get bored in 30 seconds.
– Easier to put all your effort into it for 30 seconds.
– Don’t get so hot and sweaty.

Traditional Gym: Any cardio is good cardio (heart and lungs more efficient) – treadmill, bike etc – however, cardio through strength training /pumping muscle is much more effective at burning stored body fat.

LFF: The type of cardio we perform means that you don’t get so out of breath – so all the oxygen produced by a raised heart is not needed for faster breathing. Therefore, Stored Body Fat will be elected as fuel to burn during the workout.

Traditional Gym: You pick your weight and complete three sets of 20 repetitions. The first set, would take you approximately 30 seconds. At that point your muscles exhausted therefore your second and third set are in fact a waste of time in terms of building muscle and protein.

LFF: Because we use a 30 second interval, you only work fresh muscle therefore ALL the strength training effort goes into building protein and muscle tissue.

Traditional Gym: You use each machine once so (generally) you only work each muscle group once.

LFF: In our workout, the way the machines are arranged means: that every muscle gets worked at least twice.

EXTRA BENEFIT – HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) 

Because you work hard on a machine (High intensity) and then perform lower intensity on a board (low   intensity), this burns stored body fat more efficiently – like town driving compared to motorway driving.  – in a Traditional Gym: this isn’t practical.

Any questions? Contact us on FACEBOOK

Give us a call on 023 92 520025

